Golden Girl Receives Flavor Award
Granola Receives 2019 Artisan Flave Award
Madison, WI – Golden Girl Granola’s Chocolate Decadence flavor took third place in the “Granola” category at the 2019 Artisan Flave Awards. Organized by the International Flavor Awards, LLC, Golden Girl Granola competed against specialty, craft-made artisan granola companies on an international stage to become a Flavor Award winner.
The International Flavor Awards, LLC, provides impartial and knowledgeable judging of food & drink products throughout a variety of genres and themes. The Flave Awards is an annual contest that strives to bring value to food-based competitions and to promote the outstanding products from small to midsized companies. Companies who receive awards set themselves apart by being known as a “Flave Award Winner”! Products were submitted from Europe, England, Australia, Canada and North and South America.
The “Artisan Flave Awards” boasted winners from unique artisan hand crafted products included but not limited to; “bean to bar” chocolate, healing Kombucha elixirs and delectable chutneys made with eggplant! Hundreds of other products entered the winners circle like spectacular sauces, sweet and savory jams and jellies, and sassy salts and nut mix creations.
About Golden Girl Granola:
Golden Girl Granola™ is a family-owned and -operated business located in Shirley, Massachusetts and produces a branded line of gourmet granola products superior in taste and made from the highest-quality ingredients. Golden Girl Granola is a “Healthy Snack” alternative for health conscious consumers who appreciate good taste. Flavors include Forest Maple, Creative Cranberry, Bluesberry, Chocolate Decadence, Original, Home Sweet Honey, and Truly Tropical. Golden Girl Granola offers the complete line nationwide for Chain Supermarkets, Independent Supermarkets, Gourmet Food Stores, Club Stores and Convenience Stores.